Book Your Free Home Loan Health Check
Here are just some of the reasons / benefits of doing a Home Loan Health Check:
- It’s completely free and easy to do with absolutely no obligation whatsoever.
- It will enable you to lower the interest rate you pay on your Home loan because we know and can access the best rates on the market.
- It could lower your monthly repayments and put extra cash in your pocket for other purposes.
- You can take the pressure off by consolidating other more expensive debt into your Home loan ie expensive credit cards and car loans.
- To cash out some of the equity in your property to invest in:
Investment Property, Renovations, New car, Assist with school fees, A “wow” holiday overseas, To provide a “Family Guarantee” to assist children buy their first home.
Simple Interest Rate Health Check: Just provide us with your existing Home Loan bank statement and we will immediately be able to tell you whether you are paying above markets rates or not.
Just email your bank statement to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will respond within 24-48 Hours.
Qualifying Home Loan Health check: With just a little bit more information about your current financial situation we can quickly establish your potential borrowing capacity and the best home loan interest rate available.
We do this by a quick telephone call or face to face interview where we will complete a Fact Finder to establish your assets and liabilities, current income levels and living expenses.
Once we have that information we can very quickly run that information through the bank systems to establish your borrowing capacity. This will give you a good guide about how much you can borrow to buy a new home or just to refinance an existing debt.
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